Osta Internetist: The Ascent (PC)
Kui sul juba on Steam installeeritud, siis hüppa kohe teisele sammule.
1. Laadi alla ja installeeri Steami programm.
2. Ava Steami programm
3. Kui sul puudub Steami konto, vajuta "Create a new account", et endale konto luua.
4. Kui sul juba on Steam konto, siis logi sisse.
5. Vajuta all vasakus nurgas olevale "+ Add a game..." ikoonile.
6. Vali "Activate a product on Steam".
7. Järgi ekraanil jooksvaid juhiseid ning kopeeri oma seeriakood.
8. Mõne minuti möödudes autentiseerib Steam koodi.
9. Mängu nägemiseks vajuta "Library".
10. Allalaadimiseks vajuta mängule.
Official Steam activation code for redeeming the game "The Ascent" on your Steam account.
Welcome to The Ascent Group arcology, a corporate-run metropolis stretching high into the sky and filled with creatures from all over the galaxy. You play as a worker, enslaved by the company that owns you and everyone else in your district. One day, you are suddenly caught in a vortex of catastrophic events: The Ascent Group shuts down for unknown reasons and the survival of your district is threatened. You must take up arms and embark on a new mission to find out what started it all.
You belong to the corporation. Can you survive without it?
- SOLO OR CO-OP - Play the entire game alone or work together with up to three friends in local or online co-op
- EXPLOSIVE SHOOTER - Aim low or high, switch weapons and equip lethal gadgets, take cover and use the destructible environments at your advantage and keep adjusting your tactic as you face new enemies
- RPG ELEMENTS - Customize your character with cyberware that suits your playstyle. Allocate new skill points as you level-up and try various augmentations to take down your enemies in new creative ways
- A VIBRANT CYBERPUNK WORLD - Meet new allies and enemies and find loot as you explore the brimming world of The Ascent and its wide range of districts, from the deep slums to the higher luxury spheres
How will I receive my game?
A digital code will be sent to your email address which you will then be able to redeem in Steam. Then you can just download, install and enjoy your new game! You can find more specific instructions under Code Activation Guide.
Why should I prefer Punktid’s online store?
Price – thanks to our digital delivery we can skip the delivery and packaging costs which allows us to sell the games under the recommended retail price.
Trustworthiness – We have thousands of positive feedbacks in Trustpilot and our average rating is 5/5. We always do our best to make the experience as smooth and fast as possible for our customers.
Experience – We have been on the market since 2009 and know everything about gaming so we can help you with pretty much every question. And even if we don’t know – we’ll find out and try to help you anyway!
Miks valida punktid.ee e-pood?
- Hind – kuna saadame mängu sulle digitaalselt, siis ei teki tarne- ega pakkimiskulusid, mistõttu saame mänge müüa soovitatud jaehinnast madalama hinnaga.
- Usaldusväärsus – meil on Trustpilotis tuhandeid positiivseid arvustusi ja meie keskmine hinnang on 4.6/5. Oleme ka ametlikult noteeritud ettevõtte NASDAQ börsil.
- Kogemus – oleme turul tegutsenud alates 2009. aastast ja teame mängude maailmast kõike, nii et saame sind aidata pea igas küsimuses. Ja isegi kui me vastust ei tea, uurime selle välja ja proovime sind igal juhul aidata!