Osta Internetist: The Escapists 2 (PC)
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1. Laadi alla ja installeeri Steami programm.
2. Ava Steami programm
3. Kui sul puudub Steami konto, vajuta "Create a new account", et endale konto luua.
4. Kui sul juba on Steam konto, siis logi sisse.
5. Vajuta all vasakus nurgas olevale "+ Add a game..." ikoonile.
6. Vali "Activate a product on Steam".
7. Järgi ekraanil jooksvaid juhiseid ning kopeeri oma seeriakood.
8. Mõne minuti möödudes autentiseerib Steam koodi.
9. Mängu nägemiseks vajuta "Library".
10. Allalaadimiseks vajuta mängule.
Official Steam activation code for redeeming the game "The Escapists 2" on your Steam account.
The Ultimate Prison Sandbox! Risk it all to breakout from the toughest prisons in the world. Explore the biggest prisons yet, with multiple floors, roofs, vents and underground tunnels. You'll have to live by the prison rules, attending roll call, doing prison jobs and following strict routines; all the while secretly engineering your bid for freedom! Your prison escape antics will take you from the frosty Fort Tundra, a train hurtling through the desert, and even to the final frontier!Escape Team Assemble! Unite with up to 3 friends to create the ultimate escape crew and engineer the wildest escapes yet! Jump online or gather round on a couch to prepare for your sneaky adventures. By working together you'll be able to create even more elaborate and daring plans.Feeling competitive? Dive into the versus mode and show that you've got the skills to break out of any prison faster than your friends can. If all else fails, settle your rivalry in the court yard with a prison punch up!Create YOUR Con! It's time to make your prisoner truly yours. Choose from a massive array of customisations to make your character unique to you. It's important to look stylish whilst you mastermind your escape.Craft your Escape! Being in prison forces you to be creative and work with the limited tools at your disposal. You'll have to combine everyday objects like soap and socks to craft new weapons and tools to help you achieve your goal. Steal forks from the cafeteria to chip a tunnel in your room, and craft a poster from magazines and duct tape to hide the evidence. You'll soon learn that duct tape solves (almost) everything!Prepare for a fight! The Escapists 2 introduces a brand new combat system to make every prison brawl more exciting and interactive. You'll have to block and tie together chains of attacks whilst strafing around your locked on targets to gain the upper hand in combat. Make sure your visit the gym first to build up those muscles!New ways to escape! As the prisons get tougher you're going to have to get more creative with your escape plans. There's a ton of options to tackle almost any prison escape.
- 10 Prisons
- Up to 4 player co-operative and versus multiplayer
- Drop-in/ Drop-out Online/Splitscreen multiplayer
- Over 300 customisations
- Multi-storey Prisons
How will I receive my game?
A digital code will be sent to your email address which you will then be able to redeem in Steam. Then you can just download, install and enjoy your new game! You can find more specific instructions under Code Activation Guide.
Why should I prefer Punktid’s online store?
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Miks valida punktid.ee e-pood?
- Hind – kuna saadame mängu sulle digitaalselt, siis ei teki tarne- ega pakkimiskulusid, mistõttu saame mänge müüa soovitatud jaehinnast madalama hinnaga.
- Usaldusväärsus – meil on Trustpilotis tuhandeid positiivseid arvustusi ja meie keskmine hinnang on 4.6/5. Oleme ka ametlikult noteeritud ettevõtte NASDAQ börsil.
- Kogemus – oleme turul tegutsenud alates 2009. aastast ja teame mängude maailmast kõike, nii et saame sind aidata pea igas küsimuses. Ja isegi kui me vastust ei tea, uurime selle välja ja proovime sind igal juhul aidata!