Osta Internetist: Lord of Rigel (PC)
Kui sul juba on Steam installeeritud, siis hüppa kohe teisele sammule.
1. Laadi alla ja installeeri Steami programm.
2. Ava Steami programm
3. Kui sul puudub Steami konto, vajuta "Create a new account", et endale konto luua.
4. Kui sul juba on Steam konto, siis logi sisse.
5. Vajuta all vasakus nurgas olevale "+ Add a game..." ikoonile.
6. Vali "Activate a product on Steam".
7. Järgi ekraanil jooksvaid juhiseid ning kopeeri oma seeriakood.
8. Mõne minuti möödudes autentiseerib Steam koodi.
9. Mängu nägemiseks vajuta "Library".
10. Allalaadimiseks vajuta mängule.
Official Steam activation code for redeeming the game "Lord of Rigel" on your Steam account.
Shape the Galaxy
Lord of Rigel is a turn based 4x (Explore, Expand, Exploit, and Exterminate) space strategy game. Set in a galaxy divided by an ancient cold war, guide your race through a galaxy in turmoil. Form coalitions to survive the coming war, or discover the secrets of ascension that the elder races fear. Your race will have many obstacles to overcome if they are to survive. Face rival species including the elder races who view themselves as the rightful guardians of the galaxy or fend off grand menaces as they attempt to disrupt that already troubled galaxy. Use numerous tools such as diplomacy, espionage, real time ship combat, and research to define a path for your civilization or join one of the elder species as they fight for control of the galaxy.
Choose from 10 playable races with unique characteristics, behaviors, and leaders. Play alongside two elder races and choose the fate the galaxy.
End Game
Shape the fate of the galaxy by building dyson spheres, doomsday weapons, or unlocking evolutionary secrets.
Shape Galactic Council politics by negotiating trade treaties and alliances. Each species has unique leaders with personalities and cultural traditions that direct their choices.
Run a shadow empire and benefit from your spy network through sabotaging fleets, bombing infrastructure, stealing technology, creating the “right” political climate by inciting rebellions.
Fleet Combat
Real time combat that rewards for using good tactics. Use smaller ships to flank and target weaker rear armor on capital ships.
Defend yourself from intergalactic invaders and devastating alien probes. Gain galactic prestige by defending the galaxy against those who would destroy it.
How will I receive my game?
A digital code will be sent to your email address which you will then be able to redeem in Steam. Then you can just download, install and enjoy your new game! You can find more specific instructions under Code Activation Guide.
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- Hind – kuna saadame mängu sulle digitaalselt, siis ei teki tarne- ega pakkimiskulusid, mistõttu saame mänge müüa soovitatud jaehinnast madalama hinnaga.
- Usaldusväärsus – meil on Trustpilotis tuhandeid positiivseid arvustusi ja meie keskmine hinnang on 4.6/5. Oleme ka ametlikult noteeritud ettevõtte NASDAQ börsil.
- Kogemus – oleme turul tegutsenud alates 2009. aastast ja teame mängude maailmast kõike, nii et saame sind aidata pea igas küsimuses. Ja isegi kui me vastust ei tea, uurime selle välja ja proovime sind igal juhul aidata!