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Osta Internetist: Turkey Netflix 250 TR Gift Card

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Müüja: EXTkeys

Koodi aktiveerimine:

  • Mine Netflixi veebilehele
  • Logi oma kontole sisse
  • Valige ülevalt paremalt profiilipildi kohalt ja avage oma konto
  • Avage kinkekaardi lunastamine
  • Naudi oma Netflixi kogemust!

NB! Netflix Cards can be used in any country that uses the same currency as the Netflix Card.

Is there a TV show you want to watch, but your household is set on catching up on a Disney movie? Or perhaps you have to share the TV with someone and you cannot agree on a single evening watch? Well, we are happy to present a solution. Buy Netflix Gift Card and get yourself a subscription that fits your needs and wants.
When it comes to Netflix, the selection is not a problem. There is a variety of movies and shows for you to browse; it doesn’t matter if you are a fantasy fan or prefer realistic detective stories, there will always be something for you to watch. There is no limit to your watch time, so if you want to, you can spend the entire night binging musicals – no one will judge you!

How will I receive my product?

A digital code will be sent to your email address which you will then be able to redeem on the official website. You can find more specific instructions under Code Activation Guide.

Why should I prefer Punktid’s online store?

Price – thanks to our digital delivery we can skip the delivery and packaging costs which allows us to sell the games under the recommended retail price.
Trustworthiness – We have thousands of positive feedbacks in Trustpilot and our average rating is 5/5. We always do our best to make the experience as smooth and fast as possible for our customers.
Experience – We have been on the market since 2009 and know everything about gaming so we can help you with pretty much every question. And even if we don’t know – we’ll find out and try to help you anyway!

Miks valida punktid.ee e-pood?

  • Hind – kuna saadame mängu sulle digitaalselt, siis ei teki tarne- ega pakkimiskulusid, mistõttu saame mänge müüa soovitatud jaehinnast madalama hinnaga.
  • Usaldusväärsus – meil on Trustpilotis tuhandeid positiivseid arvustusi ja meie keskmine hinnang on 4.6/5. Oleme ka ametlikult noteeritud ettevõtte NASDAQ börsil.
  • Kogemus – oleme turul tegutsenud alates 2009. aastast ja teame mängude maailmast kõike, nii et saame sind aidata pea igas küsimuses. Ja isegi kui me vastust ei tea, uurime selle välja ja proovime sind igal juhul aidata!
    DIGITAALNE KOHALETOIMETUSKoodid saadetakse otse teie e-mailile
    KLIENT VÕIDABSäästke mängudelt kuni 90%
    10+ AASTAT KOGEMUSTTegutseme 2009. aastast